Full service Casting located in the Hudson Valley of NY.
Principal & Dayplayer Casting (please check out my IMDB http://www.imdb.me/heidieklund)
Commercial Casting (www.heidieklundcasting.com)
Background Casting with Hudson Valley Casting (www.hudsonvalleycasting.com)
Pre-Production Resources
New York State is home to one of the largest and most experienced pools of talent and film crews anywhere in the country. With Ulster County’s proximity to New York, many experienced industry professionals call Ulster County home. Long-term efforts by the Hudson Valley Film Commission and the Woodstock Film Festival form the backbone for a thriving network of production, post-production resources and supporting services, such as set designers, art directors, construction specialists, carpenters, caterers and landscapers.
Use the below to learn more about local production resources and businesses. Select from Pre-Production, to Post- Production Resources or utilize the Keyword Search.
Use the below to learn more about local production resources and businesses. Select from Pre-Production, to Post- Production Resources or utilize the Keyword Search.
Pre-Production Resources
Unions & Guilds

Heidi Eklund Casting/ Hudson Valley Casting
Casting, Unions & Guilds, Other Production
Stacey Cormier
Accounting, Completion Guarantees, Insurance, Casting, Computer Services, Assistant Directors, Extra, Film Research, Picture Cars, Storyboards, Talent Agents, Unions & Guilds, Other Pre-Production, Producers, Production Services
DGA Assistant Director